<img src="images/shop.png" width=500 height=276/>
there’s a shop
you love it
the snacks are delicious
you’re hungry
[[enter|inside shop]]
[[don’t|outside shop]]<!--SCRIPT FORMAT WIDGETS-->
<!-- Use to define a location for your scene. -->
<<widget "loc" container>>
<div class="loc">
<!-- This is a widget for a speaking Character's name. It also creates a container for the Character's name, any delivery instructions, and their lines to ensure that the space between each speaker and whatever text blocks precede or succeed it remains consistent. -->
<<widget "char" container>>
<div class="unit">
<div class="char">
<!-- This is a wrapper for parenthetical notes on a particular line's delivery, commonly known as a "wryly". Screenwriting rule of legend and thumb advises using them sparingly, but I prefer to think of them as salt! -->
<<widget "wry" container>>
<div class="wry">
<!-- This is a wrapper for a Character's spoken lines. -->
<<widget "dia" container>>
<div class="dia">
<!-- This is a wrapper for transitions, used to mark a shift from one scene to another. This can be a shift in time or place or the change of one camera setup to another. Dutch angle, Dutch angle, Dutch angle! -->
<<widget "trans" container>>
<div class="trans">
<!-- This is a wrapper for descriptions of the setting, a character's expression/behaviour, or something happening within either/both, known as action content. -->
<<widget "act" container>>
<div class="act">
<</widget>><div id="interface">
<div id="header" data-passage="Header"></div>
<div id="left" data-passage="Left"></div>
<div id="passages"></div>
<div id="right"></div>
<div id="footer" data-passage="Footer">footer</div>
</div> <ul>
Sugarcube Screenplay UI Template & Screenplay Formatting Widgets by <a href="https://lapinlunaire-games.neocities.org">Lapin Lunaire Games</a>.
<!-- Add more credits below this line -->
Add more credits here wrapped in {{{<li>}}} tags (you can copy/paste this one as many times as you need to).
<!-- Your last credit should go above this line! -->
</ul>Press ''"Q"'' at any time to open/close this! ''M'' expands/collapses the menu discs and ''ESC'' closes an open dialog.
<!--When using this template, you can change the contents of this passage to a character profile, stats page, achievements page, etc.-->
<br>Use to define a location for your scene.
[Int./Ext.] - [Location Name] - [Time of Day]
<!-- <p>
<br>This is a wrapper for each Character, their lines, and any parentheticals (wrylies) each line might have. Its purpose is to ensure that the space between each speaker and whatever text blocks precede or succeed it remains consistent.<br>
<<dia>> [Dialogue]<</dia>>
</p> -->
<br>This sets the indents and capitalization for a speaking Character's name. It takes a Character's name as an argument and should wrap their dialogue and any parentheticals (wrylies) in those lines. ''Note:'' Make sure you wrap the Character's name in <u>straight</u> quotes, not curly quotes! The name can contain spaces.<br>
<<char "[Name]">>
[Dialogue and/or wrylies]
<br>This is a wrapper for parenthetical notes on a particular line's delivery, commonly known as a "wryly". Screenwriting rule of legend and thumb advises using them sparingly, but I prefer to think of them as salt!<br>
[delivery instruction]
<br>This is a wrapper for a Character's spoken lines.<br>
<br>This is a wrapper for transitions, used to mark a shift from one scene to another. This can be a shift in time or place or the change of one camera setup to another. Dutch angle, Dutch angle, Dutch angle!<br>
[Transition instruction]
<br>This is a wrapper for descriptions of the setting, a character's expression/behaviour, or something happening within either/both, known as action content.<br>
[Action description]
</p><!--Set default value of text in [[Header]]-->
<<set $header to "">>
<!--Set default save file name-->
<<set $take to "">><!-- Do not remove the tags on this passage -->
<div id="titleCont">''<<include "Title">>''
<p>by <<include "Author">></p>
<div id="splashLinks">
<<link "start" "Start">><</link>>
</div>sweet shopluna rose<h1>This is an h1 heading.</h1>
<h2>This is an h2 heading.</h2>
<h3>This is an h3 heading.</h3>
<h4>This is an h4 heading.</h4>
<h5>This is an h5 heading.</h5>
<p>This is ''bold text'', //italic text//, and __underlined text__. <<link "Here is an example of an inline (non-choice) link.">><</link>> Directly below this sentence is an <nowiki><hr></nowiki>.</p>
<p>This template comes with default monospace (Courier Prime) font as well as serif (Benne), sans serif (Montserrat Alternates), and Open Dyslexic options. To preview these options, open the menu (‘''M''’) or click the delta at the bottom of the page) and change the font style in the Settings Menu (<i class="fa-solid fa-gears"></i>).</p>
<p>You can also change the UI display theme in the Settings Menu. This minimalist screenplay-inspired template comes with two display themes (“Day” and “Night”). The colors for each are easily customizable through the CSS stylesheet’s variables (look for the section labeled with 🐇🌙🌸🌸🌸🌙🐇 emojis).</p>
<<act>>This template also comes with pre-styled choice links and two styling options for choice buttons. The buttons will resize/wrap automatically to fit. Simply create a div with the class “choice” and your links/buttons inside. If using buttons, you must also add the appropriate styling class (.choicebtn or .stack).<</act>>
<<act>>You can use links to direct players...<</act>>
<div class="choice">
[[First Page|Start]]
[[Widget Explanation]]
<<act>>Or buttons...<</act>>
<div class="choice choicebtn">
<<button 'First Page'>><<goto [[Start]]>><</button>>
<<button 'Widget Explanation'>><<goto [[Widget Explanation]]>><</button>>
<<act>>Or another style of buttons...<</act>>
<div class="choice choicebtn stack">
<<button "First Page" Start">><</button>>
<<button 'Widget Explanation'>><<goto [[Widget Explanation]]>><</button>>
</div><img src="images/insideshop.png" width=500 height=335/>
you’re blasted with memories
memories of a past life
you can almost see your past
in the walls
in the ice cream
the candy
[[you run|no running]]<img src="images/shop.png" width=500 height=276/>
but it smells so good
and one sweet won’t hurt
[[inside shop]]you can’t run
[[you’re stuck here|not here]]<img src="images/insideshop.png" width=500 height=335/>
you haven’t been here for years
this place has moved, it’s downtown now
the inside is newer
the workers are different
<<linkreplace "and yet">>
and yet
it’s the same
the soul is still there
the flavors are the same ones you ate
on winter nights
[[after days of play|run]]
<img src="images/theflavors.png" width=500 height=270/>
you want to run away
but it calls for you
the sweet flavors
[[the ones you love|lemon]]<img src="images/lemon.png" width=500 height=342/>
especially lemon
oh how you miss that lemon flavor
it’s right there
it’s not that much
you have the money
that past you never spent
[[buy it|greedy]]
[[don’t|you must]]you give in
because you’re greedy
and you feel so fat
because that’s all your meds are doing
making you fat
digging holes into your soul
and making you stressed
because they don’t work
they never worked
they can’t keep life away
all this pressure
all this dysphoria
it never goes away
you try
you hope
you mask
you’re good at that
not much else
you can pretend you’re fine
that you’re smart
that you’re not hiding yourself
but it makes you stressed
you eat when you’re stressed
so you’ve gained a bunch of weight
everyone tells you it’s fine
that your weight is fine
they say you’re healthy
but you feel fat
and feeling fat makes you feel stressed
and then you eat
and hide in your room
you want to go home and throw up
get this fatness out of you
but you can’t even do that anymore
because these meds don’t let you
this ice cream isn’t even that good
it just reminds you of your deadname
your past
the life you want to throw away
and the bad days
<img src="images/uncoloredtrashcan.png" width=439 height=500/>
[[but right there’s a trash can|trash can]]you can’t resist
[[remember, it tastes so good|greedy]]<img src="images/coloredtrashcan.png" width=360 height=500/>
so you throw it away
throw the bad memories away
throw everything away
say goodbye
[[because|memories]]you’re stronger than memories
and the bad
[[because|idk]]and sometimes that’s enough
today, maybe you’ll tell your friends
oh wait
you did that
good on you
[[you’re doing great|great]]
<img src="images/home.png" width=500 height=366/>
maybe you’ll go home
<img src="images/jamming.png" width=500 height=301/>
put on your favorite songs
jam out
<img src="images/writing.png" width=500 height=385/>
write a story
since you have ideas
or maybe you’ll stay up late
talking with the people you love
[[who love you|love]]you’re doing fine
it’ll be okay
maybe not today
[[but someday|okay]]you can love
be loved
by yourself
by others
for you
and you’re not going to hide yourself
and someday
[[you’ll be you|endPage]]
<img src="images/heart.png" width=407 height=388/>actually you don’t know why
[[you try|why not]]
<div id="titleCont">''<<include "Title">>''
<p>[[by luna rose ♡|TitlePage]]</p>
<div id="splashLinks">
#transpride ✦
for neo twiny jam ✦
template by lapin lunaire games ✦